Teerenpeli Tasting 10.4.
Taste of Teerenpeli Enklaavi Mastermind is arranging a drink tasting together with Teerenpeli Lappeenranta on Wednesday the 10th of…
Enklaavi Mastermind is the master's committee of Enklaavi ry. The committee primarily organizes events for master's students (and those with a master's mindset) in Lappeenranta and Helsinki. The events are mainly held in English. Events organized throughout the year include Paint & Wine, Master's Hang Out, and Crayfish Party.
In 2024, the master's committee consists of five members:
Heidi, Lotta, Mira, Emmi ja Leevi.
Orientation weeks for new business students.
Skinnarila/Lappeenranta Center
Orientation weeks for new business students.
Skinnarila/Lappeenranta Center
Sammonlahden uimarannalla fuksit kokoontuvat kastamaan tutorinsa Saimaan syleilyssä.
Sammonlahden uimaranta
Sammonlahden uimarannalla fuksit kokoontuvat kastamaan tutorinsa Saimaan syleilyssä.
Sammonlahden uimaranta
Event in Helsinki/Espoo sector together with Enklaavin alumnit.
Sammonlahden uimaranta
Stay tuned...
Sammonlahden uimaranta
Cooperation with Quinta (Wine Club) Taste the different flavours of wine.
Unleash your creativity and enjoying a relaxing evening.
Get to know masters
Enjoy a fun night at Teerenpeli Lappeenranta.
Taste of Teerenpeli Enklaavi Mastermind is arranging a drink tasting together with Teerenpeli Lappeenranta on Wednesday the 10th of…
Answer the master survey Your opinion matters! Answer the google form here Tell us how to improve master related activities.…
Master’s Hangout Craving a chill hangout evening with other masterminded students? Say no more! Master’s hangout is here. Come with…
LUT Business School
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