Association's rules


1 § Association information

The name of the association is "LUT-yliopiston kauppatieteiden opiskelijain yhdistys Enklaavi ry (Enklaavi ry, the association of business students at LUT University), and its domicile is the city of Lappeenranta. The association is a student organization, referred to as a guild.

 2 § Purpose of the association

The purpose of the association is to serve as an advocacy group for business students at LUT University, enhancing and facilitating their studies. Additionally, the aim is to increase economic awareness both within and outside the university and to engage in mutual interaction with the economic and business sectors to promote economic and intellectual growth.

 3 § Activities of the association

The association works to promote its democratic aims among business students at LUT University by organizing meetings, discussions, presentations, lectures, informational sessions, entertainment, and excursions. It develops academic counseling and study activities and collaborates with clubs and associations with similar goals. The association can own real estate, receive bequests and donations, raise funds with appropriate permits, and assume obligations and liabilities. It can also make small donations to other non-profit organizations if their activities are deemed to benefit the well-being of Enklaavi ry's members. Additionally, the association can award scholarships and decorations to those who have distinguished themselves in its activities, in accordance with a separate regulation on decorations.


4 § Association's language

Association's official language is Finnish.


5 § Types of memberships

The members of the association can be regular members, honorary members, and supporting members.

Any student pursuing a degree in business at LUT University can join the association as a regular member. The board may also accept other individuals as regular members.

Individuals who have significantly supported the association's activities may be invited to become honorary members by the association's board.

The association may also have supporting members. A supporting member can be either a natural person or a legal entity.

 6 § Membership fee

Regular members pay their membership fee upon joining, and it is valid for the entire duration of their membership. Supporting members are required to pay an annual membership fee, whereas honorary members have no membership fee obligation. The amount of membership fees for both regular and supporting members is determined at the association's autumn meeting.

 7 § Right to vote

Only regular members have the right to vote in the association's meetings and are eligible for positions of trust within the association. Supporting and honorary members do not have voting rights and cannot be appointed to positions of trust within the association.

8 § Suspending a member

A member of the association may be suspended from the association by a two-thirds majority vote at the association's meeting if their actions, either within or outside the association, obstruct the realization of the association's goals or harm its reputation. This decision must be confirmed at the next association meeting by a simple majority vote.

The board can suspend a member from the association if they transfer to study at another university or institution, provided that the member no longer pursues business studies at LUT University.

9 § Member's renunciation

Upon completing a postgraduate degree in business studies or upon the expiration of their right to study, a regular member must resign from the association or express their intention to continue their membership as a supporting member. A member who wishes to resign from the association for any other reason must notify the association's board in writing or have it recorded in the minutes of an association meeting.

 10 § Association's meetings

The association holds an annual meeting in March and a fall meeting in November. Notice of the meeting must be given at least seven (7) days in advance on the association's website and email list.

An additional meeting of the association is held if:

  • association's meeting decides or
  • board suggests it or
  • if at least 30 members with the right to vote or 1/10 of members entitled to vote insist from the board.

The association's meeting is quorate when it has been convened in accordance with the rules. Minutes are kept at the association's meetings, which are verified by the signatures of the meeting chairperson, secretary, and minute inspectors. Decisions in voting at the association's meetings are made by a simple majority, unless otherwise specified in these rules. In case of a tie, the chairperson's vote decides, except in elections where drawing lots is used. If requested by 1/3 of the meeting participants, an issue can be tabled for future discussion. A tabled matter must be brought up at the next meeting, where a decision must also be made on it. 

11 § Matters to be addressed at the annual meeting

The association's annual meeting must address, among other things, the following matters:

1) Presenting the association's annual report, financial statements, and statements from auditors and inspectors of accounts

2) Approving the financial statements for the previous financial year

3) Deciding on granting discharge of liability to the board or on any actions necessitated by the administration of the association or the statements of the auditors and inspectors of accounts

 12 § Matters to be addressed in autumn meeting

The association's autumn meeting must address, among other things, the following matters:

1) deciding on the amount of membership fees for different membership categories

2) presenting the operational plan and budget for the next term

3) electing the board for the next term

4) electing two (2) auditors and two (2) deputy auditors for the next term

5) electing one (1) auditor and one (1) deputy auditor for the next financial year, if they are not an auditing firm

6) electing individuals for the next term to represent the association in other organizations where the association has permanent representation

 13 § Electing board

The association's autumn meeting elects the association's board, which includes the association's chairperson, vice-chairperson, treasurer, and 1–8 other members, for whom the board defines the areas of responsibility. The aforementioned individuals are elected for a calendar year at a time. The board may appoint committees it deems necessary to assist it.

The board is elected through the following list procedure:

  • the autumn meeting decides the number of board members for the following year within the framework of the rules
  • the chairperson of the board is elected by an absolute majority of the votes
  • the elected chairperson's proposal for the composition of the board is heard, as well as any counterproposals from the meeting, in which the entire board must be presented
  • if counterproposals are made, the composition of the board is chosen from the presented lists by an absolute majority of the votes

 14 § Board meetings

The board meets at the invitation of the chairperson or vice-chairperson. The board has a quorum when the chairperson, or in their absence, the vice-chairperson, and at least half of the members are present.

In the board meeting, voting situations are solved by a simple majority. In the case of a tie, the chairperson's vote decides, except in elections where the decision is made by lot. An issue can be tabled in the board meeting if 1/3 of the voting members demand it. A tabled issue must be decided in the next meeting.

 15 § Association's signatories

The chairperson of the board has the right to sign the association's name alone. Additionally, the vice-chairperson, head of finance, and head of corporate relations have the right to sign the association's name together, with at least two (2) of them signing jointly. The right to sign the association's name can also be granted to another trusted person by a decision of the board meeting.

 16 § Removal and resignation of the board

The association's meeting may suspend the board or its member during their term of office, but in such case, the removal must be mentioned in the meeting invitation.

If the board is suspended or resigns during its term, it shall perform the necessary tasks belonging to the board until a new board is elected at the association's meeting. If a board member is suspended or resigns during their term, the board shall, if necessary, convene an additional meeting to complete the board.

 17 § The association's term of office and financial and operational auditing

The association's operational and fiscal year is the calendar year. The association's financial accounts and other administrative documents must be submitted for audit to the auditors no later than one month before the annual meeting unless agreed otherwise by all parties involved. The auditors must return the materials no later than two (2) weeks before the annual meeting.

The association's financial accounts and other administrative documents must be submitted for review by the auditor no later than one month before the annual meeting. The auditor must return the materials no later than two (2) weeks before the annual meeting.

18 § Rule amendments

Changes to the rules must be approved at two consecutive association meetings held at least two weeks apart. In the first meeting, approval of the rule change requires a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the votes cast. In the second meeting, where the rules must be approved unchanged from the previous consideration, a simple majority is sufficient.

19 § Dissolution of the association

Yhdistyksen purkamisesta on päätettävä kahdessa vähintään kuukauden väliajoin pidettävässä yhdistyksen kokouksessa vähintään ¾ äänten enemmistössä. Jäljelle jääneet varat on luovutettava LUT-yliopiston kauppatieteiden opiskelijoiden tukemiseen jälkimmäisen purkukokouksen tarkemmin päättämällä tavalla.

20 § Other remarks

Otherwise, the activities of the association shall comply with the provisions of the current Finnish association law.

21 § Inception

These rules have come into effect by the decision of the general meeting on December 30, 2023.


1 § General information

In addition to what is stated in the Finnish association law, the association's rules, and other regulations and procedural rules, the financial management of Enklaavi ry shall adhere to the provisions of these financial regulations.

2 § Association's financial entity

The association's financial entity encompass all of the association's financial resources, consisting of the income received by the association, the expenses incurred by the association, and the liabilities belonging to the association, as well as the properties, securities, and other assets owned by the association. The association's regular finances include the financial activities conducted in the name of the association.

3 § Financial management responsibility

The responsibility for financial management lies with the entire board, but the following matters are the responsibility of the head of finance and the chairperson, and in their absence, the vice-chairperson:

  • implement the decisions concerning the association's finances
  • prepare a proposal for the association's budget
  • prepare association's financial statement
  • take care of the association's owned securities and other investment assets
  • prepare and present quarterly reports to the board, as well as other financial status and related clarifications requested by the members and the board

Additionally head of finances must:

  • approve income and expense receipts and handle other operational financial tasks. 

4 § Contracts and payments

Contracts and other documents are signed by those individuals who, according to section 15 of the association's rules, have the right to do so. For a signature on behalf of the association to be binding, it must include the name of Enklaavi ry and the personal handwritten signatures of the signatories. Contracts that bind the association for more than one year must always be approved at a meeting of the association's board.

 5 § Rights concerning bank accounts

The board must determine the rights to use bank accounts, holders of payment cards, and other authorizations related to the association's financial transactions no later than its second meeting. These decisions must be based on the following information:

Authorization to use the accounts: The chairperson, head of finances, and one or two other members of the board. Additionally, the board may grant authorization to use the account to a representative of NESU-Enklaavi for an account intended for them, if desired.

The chairperson and one or two other members of the board. Additionally, the board may grant a payment card to a representative of NESU-Enklaavi for an account intended for them, if desired. 

The board must determine the rights to use bank accounts, holders of payment cards, and other authorizations related to the association's financial transactions no later than its second meeting. These decisions must be based on the following information:

Authorization to use the accounts: The chairperson, treasurer, and up to three (3) other members of the board.

Payment cards: The chairperson and up to three (3) other members of the board.

Additionally, the head of finances may be authorized to represent other board members in the association's banking and financial matters. However, for signing on behalf of the association in bank agreements and other financial documents, section 15 of the association's rules applies.

6 § Expense reimbursements and sports subsidies

Board members' expenses are reimbursed as follows:

Accommodations and travel expenses related to mandatory events, annual ball tickets, and expenses incurred by a board member for Enklaavi are reimbursed. Reimbursement is processed using Enklaavi ry's own expense reimbursement form, which will be approved by the head of finances. In the case of the head of finances, approval is given by the chairperson or, in their absence, the vice-chairperson. Expenses of individuals other than board members may also be reimbursed if they are essential to Enklaavi's activities as mentioned above. In such cases, the expense reimbursement form which will be approved by the head of finance is used.

Travel expenses are reimbursed based on the cheapest available option. When using one's own car, mileage reimbursement is calculated at half of the rate specified by the tax administration.

 The association uses a sports subsidy form for payments, which the head of finances approves. However, the amount of the granted sports subsidy is decided in the board meeting.

7 § Budget and supplementary budget

The board is responsible for preparing performance-based budgets that include the association's revenues and expenses in a timely manner, and presenting them for approval at the association's meetings in accordance with the association's rules. Additionally, the board, as needed, provides financial plans that include loan acquisitions, securities, and repayments. A supplementary budget shall be prepared when there are significant changes in the association's financial management that were not foreseen when the regular budget was prepared. The preparation of the supplementary budget follows the same procedure as the regular budget.

 8 § Preparation of the budget

The budget is prepared by the head of finance together with the chairperson of the board or, in their absence, the vice-chairperson. When preparing the budget, the principle of prudence is followed, considering only certain revenues while also anticipating uncertain expenses.

For individual events or purchases exceeding six hundred (600) euros, the board must prepare a budget and present it at a board meeting. Additionally, all expenses over six hundred (600) euros must be approved at a board meeting. For events and purchases exceeding two thousand (2 000) euros, an actual cost calculation must be presented at a board meeting.

9 § General information about financial transactions

The association's financial transactions must be handled in such a way that before making a payment, the date of the expense receipt, the correctness of the calculation, and the proper approval of the expense are checked. A receipt with a date notation is required for the payment.

10 § Approval of invoices

The association's invoices and payment obligations are approved by the head of finance, and those concerning the head of finance are approved by the chairperson of the board or, in their absence, the vice-chairperson. The person approving the invoices must ensure that the payment is related to the association's activities, in accordance with the agreement, appropriate, and acceptable.

The association's payments must be based on already approved invoices or decisions made by the association's meeting or board. Smaller expenses, which are less than six hundred (600) euros, do not require a separate board decision, provided they are not part of a larger event budget or similar. However, smaller expenses must still be discussed with the head of finance.

 11 § Payment of expenses

The association's payments are made from bank accounts or petty cash, and the receipt obtained must be attached to the original invoice or other document, such as an expense reimbursement request, on which the payment is based. 

12 § Receiving payments

Payments to the association are directed to bank accounts or petty cash. The received payment must be accompanied by appropriate documentation explaining the source of the income.

 13 § Retention of receipts

Receipts, bank statements, and other documents must be collected annually and stored in accordance with current legislation. 

14 § Petty cash funds

The head of finance is responsible for managing petty cash funds and distributing them to those who need them, such as ticket sellers. The cash funds must be counted both before and after the sales event. Only the necessary amount of initial cash should be kept in the funds, and the remainder should be deposited into the association's account.

15 § Organizing accounting

The association's accounting is maintained on a double-entry basis in accordance with the Finnish accounting act and decree, as well as other applicable laws. Additionally, it follows the specific provisions of this financial management regulation, any other regulations stemming from decisions made within the association, and, when necessary, recommendations from the Finnish Accounting Board (Kirjanpitolautakunta). Petty cash funds are subject to separate cash-basis accounting, which is integrated into the association's accrual-based accounting at least quarterly.

 16 § Asset accounting

Asset accounting needs to be maintained separately for real estate, liabilities, movable property, securities, insurance, and inventories if necessary. A register of liabilities must be kept for loans given by the association, mortgages, guarantees, and other obligations. The securities register must include details such as type, acquisition cost, and accounting information. Securities should ideally be held in a securities account if possible; otherwise, they must be kept in a secure place separate from private and other assets. Proper accounting must be maintained for any exchange or fixed assets owned by the association.

 17 § Accounting and account system

Transactions, expenses, income, payments, and their adjustments are recorded in the association's current accounting. The chart of accounts should align with the budget, ensuring that each budgeted revenue and expenditure item has its designated account. Additionally, accounts should be opened for other income and expense items affecting the income statement and balance sheet.

18 § Entries

Entries must be based on a dated and numbered document that verifies the financial transaction. For expense documents, it should indicate the received service or goods, while for income documents, it should detail the service or goods provided. The document confirming a payment should come from the payee, the financial institution, or another entity responsible for the transaction. Documents for adjustment and transfer entries must be appropriately validated.

 19 § Recevables

A list, ledger, or separate folders must be maintained for the association's receivables, debts, and loans to ensure that their amounts can be easily verified.

 20 § Financial statements and audit materials

The association's accounts are closed annually. The board must submit the financial statements, including accounts and appendices, prepared following the Finnish accounting law and regulations, to the auditor for review, as referenced in section 17 of the association's rules, no later than one month before the annual meeting. Any additional documents the auditor requests must be submitted no later than one month before the annual meeting. The financial statements must be signed by the board in office during the financial year no later than one month before the annual meeting. The signed audit report and financial statement materials must be returned no later than two weeks before the annual meeting.

 21 § Approval of financial statement and discharge from liability

The board of the association confirms the financial statements and presents them for approval at the association's meeting. The association's meeting decides on the approval of the financial statements and the discharge of liability for those accountable. 

22 § Operations inspector

Two (2) operations inspectors, or their deputies if they are unavailable, elected in accordance with the association's rules, perform the operational inspection of the association as prescribed by the auditing law and other applicable laws. Operations inspectors must be impartial and qualified to act as operations inspectors.

23 § Required materials for operations inspection

The board is obliged to provide operations inspectors with all the materials they deem necessary for their inspection, including computerized accounting records, vouchers, insurance and debt certificates, minutes, membership lists, annual reports, rules, correspondence, contracts, and other documents relevant to evaluating the association's activities.

 24 § Duties of operations inspectors

In their duties operations inspectors must:

  1. verify that the association's activities comply with the association law, the association's rules, and other relevant regulations and good governance practices
  2. review the minutes of the association's meetings, board meetings, and committee meetings to ensure decisions have been followed and that the minutes are properly signed
  3. ensure the association's finances have been managed diligently and in accordance with this financial management regulation
  4. confirm that the accounting follows the accounting law and regulations and that account openings are based on the approved financial statements and that entries are supported by properly approved vouchers
  5. ensure that all relevant persons have signed the financial statements in the balance sheet book
  6. additionally, operations inspectors must note their inspection observations in the financial statements

 25 § Establishment and dissolution of funds

The association may have permanent funds, the establishment or dissolution of which is decided by the association's meeting with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast. The board meeting decides on contributions to the funds. Transfers and donations can be added to the funds.

26 § Amendments and modifications

Amendments and modifications to these financial management regulations are decided at the association's meeting by a simple majority of the votes.

 27 § Inception

These financial management regulations were approved at the association's meeting on December 15, 2023.




Business students' organization Enklaavi ry's (Kauppatieteiden opiskelijain yhdistys Enklaavi ry) decoration regulations.

I Association's emblem


1 § Association's emblem

The emblem of Enklaavi ry consists of two parts: a gearwheel logo and a text part. The logo features a Caduceus staff, symbolizing business students, combined with the distinctive gear of the Student Union of Lappeenranta University of Technology. The text part includes the name of the association and the name used by the Lappeenranta University of Technology School of Business.

The size of the emblem is freely selectable. The aspect ratio of the emblem must not be altered.

2 § Use of the emblem

The use of the association's emblem is defined in the graphic guidelines of Enklaavi ry.

II Board decorations


3 § Association lapel pin

The lapel pin is the official decoration of Enklaavi ry, with a diameter of 20 mm. It is awarded to current or former board members of Enklaavi ry. The lapel pin is brass-colored and is worn on the lapel of a suit jacket or an equivalent position on a dress, on the left side. In academic ceremonies, the lapel pin is attached to the guild ribbon.

4 § Chairperson's Medal

The chairperson's medal is the official decoraton of Enklaavi ry, with a diameter of 60 mm. The medal is attached to the guild ribbon and is worn around the neck or on the front of a formal outfit. The sitting chairperson of the association wears the medal during their term.

III Badges of merits


5 § Association's badge of merits

The badge of merit of Enklaavi ry has a diameter of 30 mm and comes in three classes: gold, silver, and bronze. The badges are circular and are tied to a ribbon made from the guild ribbon. Badges of merits are worn like academic honors. Only the highest badge of merit should be worn.

6 § Bronze badge of merit

The bronze badge of merit is awarded to a current or former member of Enklaavi ry who has significantly contributed to the association's activities through their actions or outstanding service. The bronze badge of merit can be awarded to an individual who has significantly supported Enklaavi ry's activities or advocated for the interests of the Lappeenranta University of Technology business students during their time on the association's board, a committee, the student union's representative council, or another honorary position. Simply holding a position or title is not sufficient for awarding the badge of merit.

7 § Silver badge of merit

The silver badge of merit is awarded to a current or former member of Enklaavi ry who has served the association with distinction and who sets an example that inspires others to become more active in the association. This individual meets the criteria for the bronze badge of merit and also enhances the association's status outside the organization. The recipient of the silver badge of merit has served on the association's board for several years, managed their term as chairperson exceptionally well, or significantly promoted the interests of Lappeenranta University of Technology business students while serving on the student union's board, university trust positions, or Suomen Ekonomit. Simply holding a position or title is not sufficient for awarding the badge of merit.

8 § Golden badge of merit

The golden badge of merit is awarded to a current or former member of Enklaavi ry for exceptionally meritorious service that has significantly advanced the association's activities. This individual meets the criteria for the bronze and silver badges of merit and has worked long-term for the association, managed their responsibilities very well, and significantly contributed to the association's activities, status, or image both within and outside the organization.

9 § Awarding the badges of merits

The awarding of badges of merits are decided by the association's board at its meeting, and the board may, if desired, invite a working group to assist. Therefore, the badge of merit should not be awarded to a sitting board member. The board keeps a record of individuals who have received the badge and the dates. A certificate detailing the reasons for awarding the badge of merit is also given during the presentation.

10 § Handing over the badges of merits

 Badges of merit are handed over, if possible, at Enklaavi ry's annual celebration.

IV Other recognitions


11 § Honorary member

Honorary membership is the highest recognition of Enklaavi ry. An honorary member can be named if they have received the golden badge of merit or, if outside the association, have received Enklaavi ry's table standard. Honorary members are appointed by the association's meeting on the board's proposal.

12 § Enklaavi ry's table standard

 The Enklaavi ry table standard is a recognition that can be awarded to the Enklaavi Member of the Year and to individuals or organizations outside Enklaavi ry for exceptionally meritorious work for the association. The table standard includes a fabric pennant, a stand, and a rod. The fabric pennant is yellow with the association's black logo, with three white tassels hanging from the bottom. The awarding of the table standard is decided by the association's board at its meeting. The board keeps a record of those who have received the standard.

13 § Ribbon for commendable members

In addition to badges of merit, the association can award a ribbon for commendable members to actively participating members who have maintained the association's good spirit through their activities. The awarding of the ribbon for commendable members is decided by the association's board at its meeting. The ribbon for commendable members is made from the guild ribbon and is 72 mm wide.

14 § Handing over the recognitions

Recognitions are handed over, if possible, at Enklaavi ry's annual celebration.

V Guild ribbon


15 § Guild ribbon

The guild ribbon of Enklaavi features the colors of Enklaavi and Karelia: the top edge of the ribbon is yellow, and the bottom edge has a red and black stripe from the top. The ribbon is 36 mm wide, with the yellow stripe being 24 mm wide and the red and black stripes being 6 mm wide each.

16 § Use of guild ribbon

 The guild ribbon is worn by members of the association at academic ceremonies. The guild ribbon should be worn together with the LTKY municipality ribbon if allowed by the LTKY decorations regulations. Otherwise, the guild ribbon is worn alone. The ribbon is worn so that it crosses from the right shoulder to the left hip. Alternatively, with an evening dress, the guild ribbon can be fashioned into a rosette worn on the right chest. The Enklaavi ry guild ribbon should be worn below the LTKY municipality ribbon, with the yellow stripe on top. No additional items should be attached to the ribbon unless explicitly prescribed.

VI Special provisions


17§ Amendments and changes

Amendments and changes to these decoration regulations are decided by the association's meeting with a simple majority of the votes cast.

18 § Inception

This decoration regulations were approved at the association's meeting on 28.04.2011.

LUT School of Business and Management
Laserkatu 10 53851 LAPPEENRANTA


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