How do kuuttis become freshman business students? Enklaavi's promotion event, now with a new and even more mysterious concept…
An unforgettable gathering awaits behind closed doors.
WHAT: Kuutti Promotion WHERE: Starting at the harbor square <-((especially for freshmen)) and from there we head to the Vihreämakasiini event venue. If you arrive late, go directly to Vihreämakasiini, Kristiinankatu 6, 53900 Lappeenranta
WHEN: September 12, 2023, at 8 PM DC: Overalls LIPUT: 8€ (tai Kuuttipassi)
TICKETS: €8 (or Kuutti Pass)
Ticket sales start on September 4th at 3 PM; LINK available on the bottom of the page.
By attending the event, you commit to Enklaavi's equality plan and LTKY's equality declaration.
Harassment contact persons: Elina Savilaakso ( puh. 0400411220) ja Camilla Jalava ( puh. 0440770836)
If you have any questions about the accessibility of the event or practical matters, please contact the event organizer Emma Pekkala