For applicant

Enklaavi ry is the student association for business students in Lappeenranta. The association advocates for its members' interests and organizes leisure activities. Enklaavi organizes over 50 different events throughout the year. On this page, you will find information for applicants about Enklaavi, LUT University, and Lappeenranta. 

Best things about Enklaavi

The biggest student organization in Lappeenranta

There are over 1 700 members of Enklaavi

Warm and active community

Heart is beating for neon yellow!

Biggest events

Coming soon

Why LUT Business School?


Best studying atmosphere

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Second-best business school in Finland

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Graduates have the highest salary in Finland

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Studies at LUT

Bachelor's programme in Business Administration

As a business graduate, you will be a strong business professional in demand in Finland and beyond. A master’s degree in business opens a wide variety of career opportunities, with over 5 000 different job titles in industry, municipalities and research.

We train leaders and experts who are capable of solving business problems in an international and multicultural operating environment and supporting the sustainable growth of companies.

You can choose between two different Bachelor's programmes

  • Bachelor's programme in business administration in Finnish
  • Bachelor's programme in Sustainable International Business in English

Your business degree studies start with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration (3 years, 180 ECTS credits). After completing the Bachelor's degree, you are entitled to continue directly in the Master's programme at LUT and obtain the degree of Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration (2 years, 120 ECTS degrees).

Supply chain management 40cr

  • Julkiset hankinnat, 6 op
  • Hankintatoimen työkalut ja kustannustenhallinta, 6 op
  • Toimittajahallinta ja vastuullinen hankintatoimi, 6 op
  • Business Relationships in International Value Networks, 6 op
  • Vienti- ja tuontitoiminta, 6 op
  • Kauppatieteiden kandidaatintutkielma, 10 op

International marketing 40cr

  • Vienti- ja tuontitoiminta, 6 op
  • Applied Consumer Behaviour, 6 op
  • Kauppatieteiden kandidaatintutkielma, 10 op

Optional studies in International marketing 

  • Cross-Cultural Issues in International Business, 6 op
  • Sales and Marketing Communication, 6 op
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing, 3 op
  • Services Marketing and Customer Experience Management, 3 op
  • Professional Selling, 6 op


Accounting 40cr

  • Strateginen johdon laskentatoimi, 6 op
  • Tilinpäätösanalyysi, 6 op
  • Tilinpäätössuunnittelu, 6 op
  • Tilintarkastuksen perusteet, 6 op
  • Kustannusjohtamisen peruskurssi, 6 op
  • Kauppatieteiden kandidaatintutkielma, 10 op

Business analytics 40cr

  • Introduction to Programmatic Business Analytics, 6 op
  • Ekonometrian perusteet, 6 op
  • Finanssi-investoinnit, 6 op
  • Strateginen johdon laskentatoimi, 6 op
  • Tilinpäätösanalyysi, 6 op
  • Kauppatieteiden kandidaatintutkielma, 10 op


Strategic finance 40cr

  • Arvopaperimarkkinoiden sääntely, 6 op
  • Introduction to Programmatic Business Analytics, 6 op
  • Finanssi-investoinnit, 6 op
  • Tilinpäätösanalyysi, 6 op
  • Corporate Finance, 6 op
  • Kauppatieteiden kandidaatintutkielma, 10 op

Master's programmes in Business Administration

As a business graduate, you will be a strong business professional in demand in Finland and beyond. A master’s degree in business opens a wide variety of career opportunities, with over 5 000 different job titles in industry, municipalities and research.

We train leaders and experts who are capable of solving business problems in an international and multicultural operating environment and supporting the sustainable growth of companies.

You can choose between two different Bachelor's programmes

  • Bachelor's programme in business administration in Finnish
  • Bachelor's programme in Sustainable International Business in English

Your business degree studies start with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration (3 years, 180 ECTS credits). After completing the Bachelor's degree, you are entitled to continue directly in the Master's programme at LUT and obtain the degree of Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration (2 years, 120 ECTS degrees).

Organisations today are using business analytics for their decision-making purposes. The need for analytics is growing due to the abundance of data available.

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Kokonaisvaltainen näkemys yritysten toiminnasta ja talouden johtamisesta on korostunut viime vuosina.

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Nykyisessä jatkuvasti ja ennakoimattomasti muuttuvassa, globaalissa taloudessa yritysten kestävän kilpailuedun pääasiallinen lähde on se, mitä organisaatiossa tiedetään ja osataan, miten siellä käytetään tietoa ja kuinka nopeasti siellä kyetään oppimaan uutta ja organisoitumaan tilanteiden mukaan.

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International business and entrepreneurship are extremely challenging fields especially in the current operational environment, but the most resilient companies will be able to survive and thrive.

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To remain competitive, companies need to excel in global marketing management.

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Modern financial management requires more and superior knowledge about the tools and techniques of business analytics.

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Global supply networks and supply chains are an essential part of today's business. Extracting competitiveness and increasing sustainability for a company from its supply networks and chains requires special skills, competencies and tools for exploring and managing global supply networks.

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Best things in Lappeenranta

In the heart of Saimaa

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Enklaavi's operations

Enklaavi's board is responsible for Enklaavi's operations. Other active members are committee members, officers and NESU-Enklaavi. 

Experiences from members

Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
LUT School of Business and Management
Laserkatu 10 53851 LAPPEENRANTA

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